Ultima 3 Editors for Mac OS

Produced by: Michael Trent

A map editor for LairWare’s Mac OS port of Ultima 3.

A character editor for LairWare’s Mac OS port of Ultima 3.

Source code for a map editor for LairWare’s Mac OS port of Ultima 3.

Source code for a character editor for LairWare’s Mac OS port of Ultima 3.
A pair of utilities — a map editor and character editor — for the LairWare’s Mac OS of Ultima 3. Keep in mind that this port of Exodus is not freeware, and must be purchased from the developer.
These editors are quite dated now, and may only work under the Classic environment on earlier versions of OS X, or using an emulated version of an older Mac OS. As such, they will not be compatible with the OS X-native versions of Ultima 3 that LairWare has released. The developer has graciously supplied the source code, however, so anyone who wants to take a stab at modernizing either tool now has reference material to work from.