Ultima 3 for Mac

Produced by: LairWare
Website: Ultima III @ LairWare

Download and install this version of Ultima 3 if you’re using any version of OS X after 10.4.

Download and install this version of Ultima 3 if you’re using any version of OS X prior to 10.4.

Download and install this version of Ultima 3 if you’re using (or emulating) Mac OS 8 or Mac OS 9.

Download and install this version of Ultima 3 if you’re using (or emulating) a legacy 68K Macintosh computer.

A cheat utility for LairWare’s port of Ultima 3 for Apple’s OS X.

The maps for LairWare’s port of Ultima 3 for Apple OS X.
This stunning port of Ultima 3 for various Apple operating system versions features 32-bit graphics, 3D-rendered fountains and shrines, a very user-friendly interface, and a wonderful musical score. It is shareware, so you will need to buy the full version from LairWare in order to be able to complete the game (the demo prevents you from reaching Ambrosia). And really, that’s a pretty decent deal for what is arguably the best version of Ultima 3 available.
For those of you who don’t have an Apple computer but want to give this one a try, you’ll need to set up OS X inside a virtual machine. Which, granted, isn’t the easiest proposition, but it can be done. Alternatively, you can set up an emulator for an earlier version of Mac OS, and play this remake thereupon.
The basilisk emulator won’t do any good, this game is written for Mac OS X, while Basilisk emulates the old classic Mac OS. Unlike Windows 9x and Windows XP these two have nothing in common except the name. Mac OS X is actually a Unix OS and it’s based on the NeXT Step operating system by the company NeXT Computer, which was bought by Apple. Besides, Basilisk only runs Mac OS up to 8, while the lastes version of the classic Mac OS was 9.
Hopefully this wil save someone from wasting hours trying to get OS X software running in Basilisk.
Heh…thanks for pointing that out. That is leftover text from when there was an OS 9 version of the game.
I’ll replace with a link to a tutorial for getting OS X running in a VM.