Ultimate Ultima Map Viewer

Produced by: Yragael

A compiled MS-DOS binary of Yragael’s Ultimate Ultima Map Viewer for Ultima 3 through 5.

Source code for Yragael’s Ultimate Ultima Map Viewer for Ultima 3 through 5.
Several years ago, Yragael created a DOS-based tool that allowed him to traverse the maps of Ultima 3, 4, and 5. He very kindly offered to share both the program and its source code with the Ultima Codex, noting that it runs well enough under DOSBox (apart from the logo behind its menu moving very quickly since its speed is adjusted for vertical sync).
Here are a few screenshots of the UUMV in action (note that the images imply the presence of a zoom feature):
A word on the source code: Yragael didn’t include assembler routines with it. But since most of you that download the code probably won’t be attempting to compile it for a computer from about the Windows 95 era, there’s probably no harm in the omission.