Ultima 3 for PalmOS

Produced by: SoftwareByPaul
Website: SoftwareByPaul
Website: Ultima 1-3 @ PalmDB

A port of Ultima 3 for the now-defunct Palm OS.
This port of Ultima 3 to the Palm OS offered a number of improvements over the original game, according to its developer. Specifically, this version featured top-down dungeon navigation (instead of the forward-facing view of the original) and battle sequences. For a little while, at least, you could battle monsters and overthrow the hellspawn Exodus on your PDA, as long as you had Palm OS 5 or better.
This development did come at a price, however; a demo was released as shareware, but the full version had to be purchased. For a long time, the demo was all that was available for download; the developer’s website was offline for some time (it was hosted at the now-defunct Geocities), and many sites which once hosted the demo for download have since removed it.
However, as of 2022, and thanks to the efforts of Origin Systems historian Pix (and, separately, the folks at PalmDB), the full version of the port has resurfaced. So if you happen to still have an old Palm OS device in a box or desk drawer somewhere, you can fire it up and give this version of Ultima 3 a try!
Can someone unearth a copy of this?
I’ve tried before, to no avail. Apologies.
Best I’ve been able to do (and I still can’t get them to run) is here:
But I bet everyone knows of these places….
I suppose a link to the actual download might help…. they’re the free to try versions. I can’t seem to be able to purchase a full version. I’d supply a link to purchase but its just not there (that I can find).
God I’m a maroon…. Reconstruction VOYD already had them without the fuss of the popups…
Thanks for the links; maybe now I can work on rebuilding these downloads.